Darul Uloom Tour

Tour of Darul Uloom Abu Bakr and the Musjid in Port Elizabeth, South Africa

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11. The Thamud (TRIBE) rejected (their Prophet) through their rebellion.
12. When the most wicked among them went forth;
13. But the apostle of Allah said to them: "It is a She‑camel of Allah! and (bar her not from) her drink!"
14. Then they rejected him (as a false prophet) and they slayed her. So their Lord annihilated them on account of their crime and made the punishment equal to all.
15. And He (Allah) does not fear its consequences.

In recent times we’ve witnessed a steady increase in the number of modern organisations that encourage and promote self-interpretation of Quran and Hadith. This alarming trend is rooted in the concept of liberalism. People are exhorted to approach the Quran and Hadith with on open mind and free-thinking attitude. In an effort to propagate this ideology seminars and conferences are held throughout the world in which the main thrust is on a free-handed understanding of Quran and Hadith.

Latest Fataawa

1. Handling a Trust with Interest Income
Q: I am an accountant handling the work of a trust. Less than half of the income of the trust is interest. Can I handle this account?

A: Our pristine Shari'ah strictly prohibits any level of participation in interest (Riba). Although the portion of interest is less than half of the entire income, it will not be permissible to handle this type of trust.

Allah Ta'aala knows best.

Moulana Yusuf Laher; Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

2. Invoicing and Taxes
Q: I am getting some good from another country. Is it permissible to ask the company to create a seperate invoice with a lower value in order to pay less tax on the goods?

A: In Islam taxation that is imposed on the wealth of people is not permissible, even if such taxes are fixed by Muslim governments, let alone non Muslims. The Muslim Jurists have stated in many of their works that a Muslim is allowed to utilize any method at his disposal to avoid paying taxes, even though such a method may appear dubious or deceptive. In reality one is warding off an unjust imposition, whereas deceit and false pretences are only haraam when the idea is to acquire the property of another unjustly, or cause unlawful loss to the property of another.

And Allah knows best
Mufti Siraj Desai

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